Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Flavor of the Week: Twitter

So yesterday sometime I joined the wonderful world of Twitter. It was fun-tastic. Still is. I think I might be wasting my life away using it.

I know what you're thinking, you got Twitter NOW? You're wayyyy behind. But cut me some slack - I live in Malaysia. It's kinda old even for Malaysia? Whatever.

As explained in the Wiki link above, Twitter is a social networking and micro blogging platform where you basically "tweet" whatever you want in under 140 characters.

Arguably most famous user: Ashton Kutcher. I think everyone heard about the whole Ashton Kutcher vs. CNN Twitter battle which was ridiculous is every sense of the word. Everyone's on the damn thing so it's only a matter of time before it becomes an essential marketing tool.

It's funny because I only got into it because I have had to use social media for work, ie. Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, etc. But now I'm faced with the question: How personal/real can I be on this thing? I would love to actually write what I'm thinking but let's face it my (almost) real name is tied to this. Do I throw caution to the wind and write about everything and then maybe face repercussions later OR do I adhere to a strictly online persona that's very pc? But then what's the point if everything is cryptic?

So while I muddle this over, how about YOU join me and sign up for Twitter here. See you birdies!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flavor of the Week: What the?

So I googled my blog because I'm a jackass and I couldn't remember the URL and apparently I've never typed it into my browser so it doesn't know it automatically - ANYWAY- I googled my blog and found out that one of my Flavors of the Week had like 20 comments on the damn thing.

Which Flavor of the Week? The Cam Gigandet one. What the-why?

I read the comments and figured out it's because I said that Cam was hotter than Rob (Robert Pattinson) and cleaner and then I guess some people got really offended and kept commenting. People can get really worked up about Robert Pattinson. I mean seriously. I would say some stuff about the fact that he seems a little unhinged from his GQ interview and again that he's weird looking in real life BUT I mean I'm still TOTALLY crushing on him, so I can't say that his charm is completely lost on me. Then again I am a 12 year old girl so that shouldn't be surprising. Actually I'm 22. Anyway.

So yes, Flavor of the Week, actually of last week, my own blog post. Now who should I talk about...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Flavor of the Week: Jai Ho - You are my Destiny

So if unless you've been living under a rock somewhere you know the big hype that's been surrounding the Danny Boyle, Oscar winning, Indian/British Movie - Slumdog Millionaire. If you don't, you suck and I don't want to be friends anymore.

So basically after it became the "it" movie of the Oscars and everyone discovered how hot Freida Pinto is and how amazing slums are and how transcendental the movie is, The Pussycat Dolls cashed in on the hype and came out with an English version of the Oscar winning song - Jai Ho.

So if you want to see this song in its full glory, click on the link above. Now the thing is, I think I'm supposed to be offended because I'm Indian and the Pussycat Dolls are like trampling on my heritage or something... but the thing is I'm totally not offended. The song is really catchy and they're super smart for cashing in on the movie's popularity.

However, their dance moves in the video really offend me. They're super half assed, like they're trying really hard not to be too suggestive because the song is really wholesome and because there's A.R. Rahman singing along all happy and gnomelike in the background.

Anyway, enjoy the video, I'm just hoping it will be playing on the radio when I drive home today.

Friday, April 3, 2009

On how I'm feeling today...

"Madness is to think of too many things in succession too fast, or of one thing too exclusively." - Voltaire