Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pros and Cons

Having spent a little more than a week in Alabama and consequently, the United States has made the realize that I love and kinda DON'T love certain things about this place.

What I Love:
1. Target
2. The crazy cheap sales
3. Sephora
4. How polite people who work in stores/restaurants are
5. The lack of humidity
7. How you can buy anything you can dream of
8. Huge ass grocery stores
9. How the people here make me look tiny

What I DON'T Love:
1. Big, big servings in restaurants
2. Big, big cars
3. Huge ass grocery stores :)
4. Huge ass everything
5. How fake TV Shows and Personalities are here
6. Tabloids - they're gross

I guess it looks like there are more good things than bad things so... I'm still glad to be here!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jet lagged beyond reason

I woke up at 3:30am today after having gone to bed at 11:30pm yesterday and could not get back to sleep. This jet lag is KILLING me. It's just so bad. I think I'm having difficulty relaxing over here. I don't know why. Maybe because it's unfamiliar surroundings. Maybe because there are just so many people and I'm just trying so hard to seem nice/responsible/sensible and hell that's a lot of pressure.

Anyway I bought these gorgeous Lancome shadows yesterday I can pick them up today and after today anytime to get my GWP - which is awesome btw. I will definitely detail it when I get home. Other than that after I woke up I basically left reviews/comments on all the stuff I bought online, like on EBAY and Amazon and Nordstrom and everything. Good stuff.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

Hey y'all, guess where I am? Anniston, Alabama. I am here visiting my uncle (Mom's brother) and aunt and basically just chilling out. My uncle wasn't doing too well healthwise so we made the trip. Thankfully he's doing way better so basically the trip has sort of turned into just seeing all my relatives and SHOPPING.

I promise a run down of all the stuff that I'm buying here when I get back home.

The one thing that I have my eye and and in my opinion I must get is Urban Decay's Naked Palette. We're going to go to Birmingham on Saturday so I'm going to try and get it. I swear not to cry if it's sold out. Who am I kidding I will definitely cry.