Monday, December 1, 2008

Flavor of the Week: Robert Pattinson

I know most of you are familiar with how intensely shallow I am and how infatuated I get with different fake people and things. Like footballers, actors/actresses, movies, songs, etc. etc, I don't discriminate... So in keeping with that I've decided to introduce a new "Flavor of the Week" regular blog post. My choices could be determined by if someone is really hot and famous at the moment, or if something really cool happened or if... I make up a reason in my head. This week it is the lovely:


This picture is taken from the movie "Twilight", he is not usually this white or angsty looking. But I like him this way best.

Now I know what you're going to say, "Dini... that's so OBVIOUS. He's like on every magazine!" And I agree, I definitely thought the exact same thing about him since he was such a blah Cedric Diggory. Then I watched Twilight and I decided that it didn't matter what anyone said. I am in LOVEEEEEEEEEE. Like in gut wrenching, 13 year old teenage madness on the verge of watching Twilight more than the 2 times I've already watched it - loveeeeeeeeee.

I know what you're going to say Preetha, that he's just so white. And he is, there's no denying it. I may be too old for this kinda nonsense but hey it's the way I've always been and I don't want to change! Also since I'm really flaky about this kind of stuff my love probably won't last, so check in next week for the Flavor of the Week!


  1. have a read at this short reading i found. Something u might find interesting about Twilight and the shift of modern day female needs

  2. Oh Dini! He a PWB! He looks like a slightly better looking Elvis! But is ok, I understand your teenage love/lust for him. It's like mine for Taye Diggs, so I unnerstand yo... hugs, Preetha

  3. Actually Elvis is really handsome... This guy is more like - a good looking guy from uni.

  4. I dont care what anyone else says. hes actually the most gorgeous guy alive and if you dont like him then why are you looking at him?
    Im so glad ive found another fan :)

  5. he is thee most amazing looking man i've ever laid my eyes on. end of story.
