It's been awhile because of various health issues and also because I just haven't felt up to blogging honestly. I'm off to Singapore in August and I'm slowly getting ready to go, making lists of things to buy, things to pack, things I wish I could afford to buy :P
It's a bit all over the place at the moment. So in my attempt to "cope" I've become completely obsessed with make-up. Since I have limited resources when it actually comes to buying the stuff I've become totally psycho when it comes to checking beauty blogs. Which just added fuel to the fire. I have recently discovered a much healthier alternative which is doing beauty reviews on
Makeup Alley (MUA). Since I basically buy most of the products that I buy after a tip from this website I figured I might as well contribute, because who knows, some other oily, acne-prone make-up lover could benefit from my wisdom. I've done like 26 reviews and I'm going strong. It's only hampered by the fact that I can sit for an hour at a go (health issues).
So anyway I'm going to be linking my reviews for any beauty products to my MUA reviews from now on. Brilliant, I know.
Anyway, here's the stuff I bought that I never got around to posting.

Something Borrowed - got this from
The Book Depository for like RM18, super cheap. It's on everyone's fav chick lit list but I kinda hated it. I don't think I can do infidelity. Makes me feel ill.

I got the Shady Lady Vol 2. palette for sale at
Sasa. I kinda hate it. See my MUA review

I got this great t-shirt for like RM40 from a stall in Empire Mall. It's from China and its super cute, long, comfy and has birds on it.
So that was all my random shopping, I also did a bunch of shopping for my Annual Dinner for work.

Let's start with the small stuff, I got this nail polish from Sasa. It's TERRIBLE. Horrible in fact. The normal Sally Hansen base coat is way better and the nail polish is a lurid fluorescent coral pink.

Got this
Charles and Keith evening bag for like RM129 which is awesome, except for the fact that it cant really expand. I have a tendency to cram things into my bags so I think I may have already kind of damaged it.


Got a MAC Lustreglass called Flashmode. LOVE IT. Read my review
here. You know what? I cant find my review, anyway its a great product. Sheer fuchsia, nice and light and looks great layered on top of lipstick.

I got this Gosh Lipstick in Burgundy FREE with an order from
Strawberry Net. Makes me look a bit like a prostitute. Actually it makes me look A LOT like a prostitute but with a bit of mixing or a light hand, its a superb berry color.

Got these ear-rings from black pearl, I wore the rhinestone ones for the annual dinner. A bit juvenile I know but they look really good on.

Scholl shoes were RM188 so worth it and look amazing even though they're supposed to be comfy. Actually they are quite comfy.

Mum picked out this top for me, it was RM40. Looks really good on. Very asymmetrical, very sexy. A bit hot though.
So that's it :) Will be updating more on all the stuff I have to do before I goooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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