On Thursday I stayed up till 1:30am reading it and basically almost passed out at work. It was so worth it. It's such a vivid, visceral book. I think I like it so much because of how beautifully its written. I love the author's word choice and the fact that its also got a very compelling story.
I've also started visiting the following makeup sites - Just a Bowl of Mouldy Fruit and Bubble Garm. I love their whole too much makeup look, it's so British and I like the overall style of their blogs.
I pre-ordered Something Borrowed from The Book Depository. So cheap, its only $5.99 and no shipping charges. I just have to wait like two more weeks and it will get here. I'm so happy I didn't buy it since it comes up to about RM19 and the cheapest I can get it here is RM42. It's the movie tie-in but who cares since its only the cover that's different.
I'm going to make chicken tikka masala for the family tomorrow night. Got the recipe off Eat Live Run. I made the marinade today and my mum helped me modify it a bit, more chili, more ginger. Should be good I'll let you know.
I'm back on Diane 35 for acne. So far so good. No migraines but my eyes are super dry. Irritating side effect.
I also discovered this website, Nail Fiesta, which sells OPI polish at RM33 a bottle. Much cheaper than the RM59 store price. I'm planning on ordering Dulce de Leche next week. Hopefully it's a smooth process and I'll definitely get more.
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