- Going out with some lovely people from work whom I've never hung out with before.
- Watching Iron Man 2 with them.
- Robert Downey Jr.
- Scarlett Johannson's body
- Gwyneth Paltrow's body
- Actually having a life for once
The Bad
- Our dinner at Station Kopitiam. Super spicy and super tasteless.
- How sleepy I'm feeling right now.
- The mashed up plot of Iron Man 2.
The Unnecessary
- The teenager in the same aisle's constant commentary on the movie to her friend. And the fact that she sometimes talked to the screen. What she really needed was to realize that first of all, the theater is not her living room, and that secondly, we could all hear her too clearly. And she also just needed someone coughmecough to break her face. But since that would have... consequences so I guess not.
- Me going over the entire evening in my head,hoping that I didn't say anything that would make them hate me...
Which segues nicely into - what the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I have a conversation with a person without second guessing whether I did it right? Right now I'm wondering if I dominated the conversation too much? Was my going on about Robert Downey too much? Should I not have mentioned the word poop? I just don't know. But mostly I know that I should just be myself, which I was, and let everyone just think what they need to think because ultimately that's the only way that I can be ok with myself and this world.
Maybe I'm just sleepy. And maybe it's just that Kinder Bueno I ate. Man, tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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