ok so I really don't. BUT remember how I said there was this dude yesterday who accidentally called me but was looking for his friend and then I messaged him and was like "Who you?" and he was like, "I'm Jim, I'm looking for Bob." And I explained that I am not Bob and that he should have a good night. He disbelieved and asked me who I was and if I was Bob but was kidding him. No no, I ensured him, I was not in fact Bob, I was me. At which point he became interested because ACTUALLY his name is not Bob it's ACTUALLY something incredibly South Indian and incidentally, so is mine.
So then he asked me about myself, like what I do, whether I was single, how old I was. He is, and I quote, "29 years young and a bachelor."
And now you're asking why I didn't just like shut him down two seconds into his eager texting. Because I'm bored and desperate DAMMIT. A very dangerous combination of things to be. And also because I harbored a secret fantasy that maybe his overzealous texting was actually just a sign that he was old fashioned pursuer type man and than maybe he's very handsome and a bit like Surya. Yes, the dreamer in me has never quite died.
And so yesterday when I told him that I had to go to bed and that he should add me on Facebook if he wanted to keep talking to me, I had two aims: 1. To make him stop talking to me and/or 2. To see if he was fine.
So today I checked my e-mail. No Facebook friend requests. Which means that he's not interested right? So fine I was resigned, a little sad with my shoulda, coulda, wouldas. Then at friggin 5 o'clock I get a phone call from some unknown number. Again I text the number being like, "who iz this?!" and it's the dude - AGAIN. And he's like oh I just want to say hi, happy new year, whatever and then he calls AGAIN. And I text back being like dude, I don't feel comfortable talking to you. I don't know you. So he's like "ok! no problem! I'll add you on Facebook!"
So it's all becoming a little less cute and a little more creepy. Or at least too much.
And btw I have checked his Facebook, because I mean who wouldn't and like, he's alright? I guess? Like he's sort of this chubby, friendly looking dude and I can't really get into that because it's like you can't really unless you've been friends with the person for ages and then one day wake up and realize he's the love of your life. Which is rich coming from me because I'm like a chubby, friendly looking chick but I can't help how I feel! I really hope that my love life isn't doomed because of my insistence on only being attracted to good looking men who are probably out of my league. I fear that this is going to end badly.
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