1. Read The Second Summer of the Sisterhood, it was great, but I'm definitely feeling the pressure of having to finish the whole damn series now. Which I have to, since I did start it...
2. I burned a couple of movies for Dad and bro.
3. Cleaned my room somemore, it's pretty much done so I think I'm going to go ahead and start sorting out stuff for my scrapbooking today. I don't have any movie I want to watch today so I should be able to do a whole day of "work."

4. I watched Broken Embraces/Los Abrazos Rotos. I thought that it was alright. For some reason it wasn't as effective as his older movies and not nearly as visually stunning as his last one, Volver. It could be the fact that the movie was literally interrupted like 10 times by phone calls and other stuff but I just couldn't get into it. What I did like about it was Penelope Cruz. Her performance in it is remarkable in ways that her English speaking performances never are. Also what I liked is how sort of stylized and clumsy the embraces in the movie are. It's a mixture of Old Hollywood and just like biting and gnashing. It's not realistic but it stays with you.
5. Watched a REALLY bad episode of The Ghost Whisperer with my brother. J. Love Hewitt, I'm sorry to say, is a lot bigger than shed used to be. By no means is she a fatty bom-bom but she's like got an ass you can grab onto.
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