I know you're thinking- whatthehell? GOOP is actually a new discovery for me, something I came across while I was getting my usual dose of insight into humanity by reading
The Superficial at work this morning - apparently it's Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle website. I know, you're thinking,
Gwyneth Paltrow? Again, what? I've never been a huge fan in the past but recently she's been looking so good, basically, that I can't help it.

I am shallow, yes I am. In any case, GOOP details stuff she likes to cook, places she likes to go to, clothes she likes, things she likes to do, etc. And it spans two continents, Europe and North America. It's fixing my London craving because all I have to do is go there and look at gorgeous, gorgeous British hotels like
The Berkeley, where I'm going to go and stay after I (a) win a crapload of money in the lottery (b) marry a decrepit millionaire and wait for him to die or (c) be really rich and successful myself. That can happen. Right?
So GOOP is a little pointless in my life but it's pretty and it makes me think about one of my alternate futures. In which I wear tailored clothing, own a vacation home in the Hamptons and have a blingin
Chopard watch.
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