Actually I'm a little embarrassed about the names I have so far, since they are basically testament that I have no imagination. I was thinking about just calling you guys like, the Canadian/the German/the whatever, but that's not crazy and some of you guys double up in terms of nationalities. And then SM wants to be all anonymous and SM soooo.... Here's what I think so far - also, if you want me to take your name off this list, pls email me, and I will do it.
Okay and the picture was because I love ALIAS and... it is a lame way of including a picture, OK?!
Laetitia -Le Directrice (in case you guys don't know, Lae is a successful free lance director)
Ching Wen - Astroboy (Ching Wen works in Astro)
Preetha - TheWiseOne, QuidProQuo, I'm sorry but someone has to help me with this.
Katie - IHEARTAFRICA (Katie you know you deserve this because you've studied African stuff, you currently live in Africa, you wanna help Africa, I mean dammit why can't you be like the rest of us and pretend it doesn't exist?!)
Priscilla - Honky? I'm sorry nothing but racist nicknames are coming to mind right now.
SM (she has red hair and lives in Perth) - S&M? No??
Ali - Baby Kangaroo (As taken from your blog)
Nick - oxfordactivist (shoutout to Nick's smartness!)
Elise - yojamerican (Mixture of "yoja" the word for girl in Korean and American)
Alex - NeoGerman (Alex, help me with this one, what should I call you?)
Noah - OneOutofTen (In case you're wondering what this would be about, basically once Mr. Webber was all like, "Noah tries to be funny, and 9 out of 10 times he fails, but once every 10 times, he's really funny!")
Kyle -NYUKid (Because he's in NYU and will always be a kid to me!)
SusieQ - will remain as is :)
Actually apart from you guys I can't think of anyone who ACTUALLY read my email and will look up my blog but you know I'm thinking up nicknames anyway:
Jessica - whitemexican (For all the times people disbelieve you're Mexican...)
Marissa - reluctantjap? My god you're so going to kill me for that.
I would write the names of people at work on this blog but I feel like I pretty much can't do that... I think when I leave the current job I'm at I will give it to my colleagues here, but deffers not to my new colleagues.
Anyway help me with this! Post your suggestions please!
hey babe, you can use my name, i don't actually care at all :P i was just trying to go with the CWC flow! We can always just use "Ser". Will respond to your email in the next few das (thanks!) as would prefer to update you that way than through comments!