Sunday, November 30, 2008
My Parting Gift from the Ex-Colleagues
Monday, November 24, 2008
Calling all Name-callers!

Actually I'm a little embarrassed about the names I have so far, since they are basically testament that I have no imagination. I was thinking about just calling you guys like, the Canadian/the German/the whatever, but that's not crazy and some of you guys double up in terms of nationalities. And then SM wants to be all anonymous and SM soooo.... Here's what I think so far - also, if you want me to take your name off this list, pls email me, and I will do it.
Okay and the picture was because I love ALIAS and... it is a lame way of including a picture, OK?!
Laetitia -Le Directrice (in case you guys don't know, Lae is a successful free lance director)
Ching Wen - Astroboy (Ching Wen works in Astro)
Preetha - TheWiseOne, QuidProQuo, I'm sorry but someone has to help me with this.
Katie - IHEARTAFRICA (Katie you know you deserve this because you've studied African stuff, you currently live in Africa, you wanna help Africa, I mean dammit why can't you be like the rest of us and pretend it doesn't exist?!)
Priscilla - Honky? I'm sorry nothing but racist nicknames are coming to mind right now.
SM (she has red hair and lives in Perth) - S&M? No??
Ali - Baby Kangaroo (As taken from your blog)
Nick - oxfordactivist (shoutout to Nick's smartness!)
Elise - yojamerican (Mixture of "yoja" the word for girl in Korean and American)
Alex - NeoGerman (Alex, help me with this one, what should I call you?)
Noah - OneOutofTen (In case you're wondering what this would be about, basically once Mr. Webber was all like, "Noah tries to be funny, and 9 out of 10 times he fails, but once every 10 times, he's really funny!")
Kyle -NYUKid (Because he's in NYU and will always be a kid to me!)
SusieQ - will remain as is :)
Actually apart from you guys I can't think of anyone who ACTUALLY read my email and will look up my blog but you know I'm thinking up nicknames anyway:
Jessica - whitemexican (For all the times people disbelieve you're Mexican...)
Marissa - reluctantjap? My god you're so going to kill me for that.
I would write the names of people at work on this blog but I feel like I pretty much can't do that... I think when I leave the current job I'm at I will give it to my colleagues here, but deffers not to my new colleagues.
Anyway help me with this! Post your suggestions please!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
But it's European!
So then we decided to see the only European movie playing at a suitable time, 9 1/2 Dates (9 1/2 Randi). We got to the counter and the dude was like, "It's free." Accordingly we patted ourselves on the back for being so smart as to want to see a European film and even smarter to get a free ticket.
So we rushed and at Chilli's (I know, I know, we ALWAYS eat at Chilli's, but it was hella yummy actually) and after we got all comfy in the theater, ready to enjoy the movie. Suddenly the screen became more projector-y and this like advertisement for how amazing the EU is rolled onscreen. The two girls next to me seemed to have been to another European movie in this festival or whatever since they seemed to know what it was about. They were whispering the following:
Girl 1: Oh my god not this again.
Girl 2: Do they show this before all the movies?
Girl 1: Propaganda.
Which was actually kinda funny.
Then after that was done, the projector told us they were loading the DVD of the movie. I know! The BLOODY DVD! And then they couldn't figure out how to press play for the longest time so we kept hearing this asinine Euro pop song playing and looking at the menu we totally couldn't understand. The movie started and there were NO SUBTITLES. By this time we had figured out it was Hungarian (because it was produced by "Budapest Productions") but we couldn't understand a bloody thing. The two girls next to me were like NO!!! and one of them went out to fix it. She came back and explained the theater people seemed confused and unaware of the subtitle function.
Hell no.

15 minutes in the subtitles came on - thanks to the effort of the girls next to me. It just got worse after that. I mean look at the poster of the movie pictured to the left. You know it's going to be bad.
So we sat through it - the funniest part being when the theater employees put their hand over the projector during the sex scene.
Once it was done, Lae summed up all of our thoughts with, "Thank goodness it was free, otherwise I would have asked for my money back."
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Me: Style Icon
Anyway we went to Topshop, Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge and Marks and Spencers and all of them had these shirts as the "NEW ARRIVAL" items. To Ching Wen I was like, "Oh my god this is so amazing, I just thought about these shirts and here they are, wow this is so amazing." Then I confided, "This isn't the first time this has happened, actually in Montreal I would sometimes figure out a fashion trend that would be popular before it was." Oh yeah. I thought I was good.
I went home and I reiterated this story to my Mom, and she was a little sceptical, "Are you sure?" And I just nodded sagely, "Oh yes. Sometimes I'm just ahead."
Later I was flipping through magazines for stuff to send in a care package to KW and PM and I happened upon a page with Whitney Port on it dressed in a button up shirt masquerading as a flannel. Oh wait. Then it came to me, of course I'd seen like millions of celebrities wearing it.
The more i thought about it the more I realized that I've bloody seen it everywhere. Not only that, it's probably been around for a while because all those shirts in the stores I visited are the UK's last season's shipment. Then I hung my head in shame and my google search confirmed how not ahead I was. So it turns out I'm not this amazing fashion icon and now I have to feign temporary deafness if my Mom or Ching Wen bring up my speech about my fashion prowess.
In any case I've decided I don't actually care and I'm going to buy a shirt anyway. That is if I can bring myself to pay RM 150 for a plain button down shirt...
On pros and cons
"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for
everything you gain, you lose something else."- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Baby Love?
I have no idea why them being a couple is so exciting for me but all I know is that I LOVE IT. I mean she's stunning and works really, really hard (even if her solo album tanked the Pussycat Dolls are pretty much always at the top of their game) and he's so young and is arguably the best F1 driver right now. Plus they're all racially mixed up and I want to see what their babies look like.
Anyway in order to celebrate my not so secret love for Hamilton, here are some great articles about him, one about his winning the Grand Prix and one about how his life will change after his win. As for Nicole Scherzinger, well, she's really hot, so I'll just link a a nice classic Pussycat Dolls Video below for y'all to enjoy.
My Car
Okay so this is my car in front of the park opposite my house. It's a tiny car but its very nice.
So this is the front view and I blurred out my license plate because I'm secretly afraid of giving out information on the internet. Also the "P" sticker on the right tells everyone I just got my license. Which is not true. I got it like 2 1/2 years ago. But since I haven't been driving and I kinda suck and I'm kinda slow I think its best that I just let everyone know that they should be careful. Coz I might hit them.
Hi guys!
I got the idea to do this blog from the Washingtonienne girl, Jessica Cutler, who was an aide in the White House or something and wrote this blog for 14 days about her sex life with different people in the White House, and then people found out who she was and then she was fired. Okay so I don't want to be her exactly but she said that she started the blog because she was getting tired of e-mailing her friends and she wanted to keep them informed about her sex life. Don't worry I won't be informing you about my non-existent sex life. Also just to clarify, the reason why I googled her at all is because apparently Sarah Jessica Parker is producing a show called Washingtonienne which is based on Cutler's book - so yes that is why I am now here.
So! Please read this and bookmark this and make me feel loved and I will try to keep this updated as much as possible.
Thanks! Love!