Hi Hi everyone, so according to my poll most of you people don't REALLY care what I call you. But since it seems like it's half/half split on the first name or crazy nickname, I'm trying to think about crazy nicknames for y'all. So far I have...
Actually I'm a little embarrassed about the names I have so far, since they are basically testament that I have no imagination. I was thinking about just calling you guys like, the Canadian/the German/the whatever, but that's not crazy and some of you guys double up in terms of nationalities. And then SM wants to be all anonymous and SM soooo.... Here's what I think so far - also, if you want me to take your name off this list, pls email me, and I will do it.
Okay and the picture was because I love ALIAS and... it is a lame way of including a picture, OK?!
Laetitia -Le Directrice (in case you guys don't know, Lae is a successful free lance director)
Ching Wen - Astroboy (Ching Wen works in
Preetha - TheWiseOne, QuidProQuo, I'm sorry but someone has to help me with this.
Katie - IHEARTAFRICA (Katie you know you deserve this because you've studied African stuff,
you currently live in Africa, you wanna help Africa, I mean dammit why can't you be like the rest of us and pretend it doesn't exist?!)
Priscilla - Honky? I'm sorry nothing but racist nicknames are coming to mind right now.
SM (she has red hair and lives in Perth) - S&M? No??
Ali - Baby Kangaroo (As taken from your
Nick - oxfordactivist (shoutout to Nick's smartness!)
Elise - yojamerican (Mixture of "yoja" the word for girl in Korean and American)
Alex - NeoGerman (Alex, help me with this one, what should I call you?)
Noah - OneOutofTen (In case you're wondering what this would be about, basically once Mr. Webber was all like, "Noah tries to be funny, and 9 out of 10 times he fails, but once every 10 times, he's really funny!")
Kyle -NYUKid (Because he's in NYU and will always be a kid to me!)
SusieQ - will remain as is :)
Actually apart from you guys I can't think of anyone who ACTUALLY read my email and will look up my blog but you know I'm thinking up nicknames anyway:
Jessica - whitemexican (For all the times people disbelieve you're Mexican...)
Marissa - reluctantjap? My god you're so going to kill me for that.
I would write the names of people at work on this blog but I feel like I pretty much can't do that... I think when I leave the current job I'm at I will give it to my colleagues here, but deffers not to my new colleagues.
Anyway help me with this! Post your suggestions please!