So it's been awhile. Life hasn't been crazy persay but I just haven't had the desire to blog. I also kind of forgot I had a blog.
ANYWAY, I'm done with my Master of Mass Communication at NTU. The graduation ceremony is in two weeks. After which I'm supposed to be starting my job *fingers crossed if everything goes well* as a Research Associate in NTU. It's going to be a job doing research using Digital Technology to Combat Obesity. Can't really explain it. But its cool.
In the meantime I'm back in Malaysia for a couple of days recouping with the family, waiting for immigration paperwork type stuff and generally eating my face off.
I'm also moving into a new place in Singapore - a condo where I'll be renting a room from a lovely lady which should be great. I now have these new resolutions for me being 26. I'm SUPER excited about it, but thats totes another post.
So basically its a bit of limbo time for me - packing up stuff, throwing away stuff, immigration stuff, hanging out with the fam stuff and so on. I'm also turning 26... so... I BOUGHT NEW CLOTHES! Ahahahaha - which is really the actual point of this post.
So the other day with my friends Hattie I went to the Ngee Ann City Food Festival where we ate some Taiwanese fried chicken and ate famazing Udderz ice-cream. And then we SHOPPED.
I bought a Pull and Bear skirt for like SGD9.90 - I know its a bandage skirt and I have like 5 but I love it!
I then bought this SGD10 from Cotton On (I have one just like it in like Tiger print something which looks good) and a belt from Myphosis for another SGD10 for my birthday.
But then the next day when I went to Marina Square Mall to kill time I found this dress for a super cheap SGD47.90 at Desigual and I HAD TO HAVE IT.
I'm planning on wearing it with silver hoops and obviously just pretending I'm Latine :)