Yesterday evening was ISKL's Alumni Reception which was held at the lovely library at the Ampang Campus. I had a really fun time, more fun than I've had in a long time.
A whole gang of us planned to meet there; me, Preetha (down from London), Ching Wen, Noah (with girlfriend Cat in tow) and Laetitia (she didn't end up coming for the reunion itself). Ching Wen, Preetha and I got there early and of course marveled at all the beautiful changes that have been made to the campus.
"WAH! Got waterfall all ah? What happened to the little shop?! Where's the panther our year gifted the school? Guess it was too UGLY to put up. Wah... so beautiful wan..."
We basically did our own little tour of campus and ended going to the library where the reception was being held. We met our lovely host, Ms. Mullen and Sahari and a WHOLE bunch of people from our 2004 year and a whole bunch more from other years. There were like 20 people from our year, not including us there was Parker, JP, Ian, Tim, Annie, Shakira, Harald... actually they're all I can remember... that's not much at all... it seemed like there were more of us. Maybe it was all the LOVE. The class of 2004 chatted and at one point Shakira was like, "Is it just me or is everyone just so much friendlier?" Preetha was a bit like, "They're the same!" and I pointed out that maybe we are also the same... and it's a good thing because I guess the beauty of the people in our year was that yes we had the popular, nerdy, theatery, whatevery groups and yet no one was really mean and we all seemed very easy with just sort of being in high school and going through life.
Yesterday I had that easy lovely feeling again and then when the few us adjourned to Coffee Bean (where else?) we had a ruckus post mortem about the reunion, coupled with belly aching laughter and just a really nice time reminiscing about everything. Preetha and I talked about how sort of painfully nostalgic we felt at the end of it. I still feel and fear that I met my soulmates at ISKL and it scares me that I will never have that easy feeling again for the rest of my life. It's just something that will be relived once a year when we do little reunions. It's sad but I guess it's also life.
So anyway, in that vein I just want to say hi to rest of the gang that wasn't there: Ali, Nick, Alex, Anas, Serena - WE MISSED YOU!