...which is something I thought I would never say after watching the bomb he starred in with Lindsay Lohan,
Just My Luck, but 30 minutes into Star Trek and I was so there.
But let me backtrack. This post isn't another rant about how I think someone is hot. No. It's about how totally kickass Star Trek is. The newly revamped
Star Trek hit cinemas, I think, worldwide yesterday 8 May 2009. I watched it this afternoon at
Pavilion KL.

Basically it's a classic. It's got a cocky antagonist, two main characters who hate each other/will eventually become best friends, lots of comical sidekicks, a bad guy who's all tattooed, a little bit of lovin' and a helluva lot of action.
The story is centered on James T. Kirk (
Chris Pine) and Spock (
Zachary Quinto), their issues with each other, their issues with their parents and their issues with themselves. They've got a crew - Uhura (
Zoe Saldana), Hikaru Sulu (
John Cho), Pavel Chekov (
Anton Yelchin), Scotty (
Simon Pegg) and Bones (
Karl Urban) - who are mostly just funny, except for Uhura who's kinda hot. The bad guy is Nero (
Eric Bana) who's all pissed at future Spock for doing something and so he has to go ahead and kill a lot of people.
What I think makes this movie such a triumph is basically how updated it is. In this day and age, consumers are increasingly younger and as a result youth sells. This cast is young, sexy and very current. They take Star Trek, something I could not have cared less about a month ago, and make it relatable to someone like me.
Which brings me back to my newfound love for Chris Pine. This Star Trek is going to make him a superstar. Which is amazing considering how he was basically relegated to being the love interest in B-grade chick flicks prior to this movie. He is incredibly charismatic and really makes this role his own. I rooted for him so hard in the movie that I flinched every time someone hit him. Which, believe me, was a lot. It's nice to see that his talent won't be wasted and that we will probably get to see it in the sequels that cast is already
excited about.